Governance Committee Communique

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At the AFRINIC Special General Members Meeting (the “Assembly”) held on 30 November 2016, the Assembly constituted the Governance Committee (the “Committee”).

The Committee’s ToRs are as follows -

At the outset, we find it important to highlight that the Committee’s mandate is limited to providing such advice to the AFRINIC CEO, the board of directors, the AFRINIC membership and the community on matters of governance, or such other matter consistent with the aforesaid ToR (section 3 of the ToR refers).

The Committee’s membership is as follows -

Consistent with the aforesaid ToR, the Committee had been requested, inter-alia, to review AFRINIC’s current Code of Conduct. The review exercise is ongoing, and a Call for Comments was launched on 31 March 2021 and closed on 30 April 2021 -

The Committee’s last major assignment involved the review of AFRINIC bylaws carried out in consultation with the Community. Special Resolutions were proposed at AFRINIC Annual General Members' Meeting held online on 18 September 2020. Fourteen of the Special Resolutions obtained the required minimum 75% majority vote -

The Governance Committee looks forward to continuous beneficial engagement with its stakeholders.


Governance Committee




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