The FIRE Awards Winner 2018 has been announced. The project C.L.E (Cours en Ligne à l'Ecole) from Senegal has been awarded the prize in the category ‘’Internet for Social Inclusion and democratization of access and the use of ICT.’’
The project focuses on setting up a distance learning system. This device set up by the Association of Support to Science and ICT (AASTIC) is intended for teaching and learning activities in the context of online tutoring for middle-secondary.
The FIRE Awards recipient will be receiving a $3000 cash prize and will have flight and accommodation costs covered for the IGF meeting hosted by the Government of France at the headquarters of UNESCO in Paris from 12 to 14 November 2018.
The FIRE Awards program 2018 received 14 applications from 9 countries in Africa.
The program seeks project proposals that have a technological component through which they solve development issues and strengthen communities by bringing innovative solutions.
Congratulations to the winner.