AFRINIC will attend KZNNOG and conduct consultations with its Resource Members as well as organisations that are planning to get Internet Number Resources from AFRINIC at the KZNNOG in Durban on 4 and 5 April 2019.
What are member consultations?
Consultations are confidential face-to-face interactions between
contacts of resource members & AFRINIC staff to discuss around any
queries or challenges you are facing regarding
1. IP Number resources(IPv4, IPv6, ASN)
2. Routing Registry
3. rDNS/Lame Delegations
4. Invoicing and Membership Fees
5. Any other topic related to IP number resources
6. New Membership applications
For those interested in applying for resource membership, our staff will be available on site to guide you with the process.
Please book your slot at the URL below and kindly note that AFRINIC shall send you a confirmation of the meeting by email.
We sincerely hope that you will seize this opportunity and benefit from the face to face consultations."
The AFRINIC Hostmasters shall send you a confirmation by email for the selected session.