Board Meetings & Resolutions

Date Resolutions


January 2006

Resolution 200601.22

The AfriNIC board approve the minutes of December 15th, 2005, subject to addition of Brian Longwe's names as attendees.

Resolution 200601.23

The AfriNIC board authorizes the fee associated to resource assignment to IXP and Critical Infrastructures to be waived until further review. It requests the CEO to put in place the appropriate policy for proper evaluation of request from this category of members.

Resolution 200601.24

The board instructs the staff in consultation with the legal counsel to add “African Network Information centre” to all necessary legal documents related to AfriNIC.


May 2006

Resolution 200605.26

The board approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on January 31st 2006 prepared and presented by the Staff.

Resolution 200605.27

The board after listening to the report presented by the Policy working Group chair on the status of open policy resolved to ratify the proposed global policy on IPv6 allocation from IANA to RIRs, the proposed policy for temporary resource assignments in AfriNIC region, the proposed change in the policy for ASN assignments in the AfriNIC region and finally the proposed policy to change from 2 byte ASNs to 4 byte ASNs. The board instructed the Staff to take necessary action to implement them.

Resolution 200605.28

The board resolved that it will hold its regular meetings by teleconference once every two months and the second Wednesday of the month. Every board member is still able to call for a meeting at any time if needed.

Resolution 200605.29

The board after reviewing the Auditors report on AfriNIC account for the period of January to December 2005, resolved that the report is acceptable and can be presented to the members. The board expressed its appreciation to the CEO and staff for the good work done.

Resolution 200605.30

The board after a vote of its members resolved to a appoint Pierre Dandjinou as Chair of the board for a mandate of one year or up to the next board renewal starting this May 15th 2006.

Resolution 200605.31

The board after a vote of its members resolved to a appoint Sunday Folayan as Vice-chair of the board for a mandate of one year or up to the next board renewal starting this May 18th 2006.

Resolution 200605.32

The board resolved that Mrs Sylvia Geha must be replaced in the ASO AC by another person if she did not improve her involvement.


November 2006

Resolution 200611.33

Having considered the issues presented by the CEO on invoicing EndUsers assignments. Where annual membership fee is less than this amount the invoice should made on multi year to reach this minimum amount.

Resolution 200611.34

Ratification of 4 bytes ASN policy


Date Resolutions

May 2005

Resolution 200505.18

that the AfriNIC bank account signatory persons will be Adiel Akplogan (as CEO), Viv Padayachee (as representative of the Board), and Harish Gowrisunkur (as CFO);

Resolution 200505.19

that the above-mentioned signatory persons be authorized to act in accordance with AfriNIC authorization policy (afadm-auth20040915- 001);

Resolution 200505.20

that AfriNIC's bankers be furnished with copies of the relevant policies and resolutions, including this resolution.

Resolution 200505.21

that Adiel Akplogan, as Chief Executive Officer, is authorized to enter into financial transactions in the name of the Registry in accordance with the above guidelines and limitations with the following exceptions:

  • Contractual Agreements approved by the Board(s) in excess of the $30,000 limitation.


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