Board Meetings & Resolutions

Date Resolutions
Minutes of Meeting Held on 23-25 November 2014
Minutes of Meeting Held on 17 December 2014

January 2014

Resolution 201401.191

The Board resolved to approve the Budget 2014 as presented and amended by the Management


February 2014

Resolution 201402.192

The Board approved the minutes of the last Board meetings held on 24 November 2013 and 24 January 2014 with amendments.


April 2014

Resolution 201404.193

The Board resolved to appoint Messrs Adam Nelson, Sami H.O. Salih and Leon Staphorst to the AFRINIC Nomination Committee 2014.


Resolution 201404.194

The Board resolved to appoint Mr Mark James Elkins to the AFRINIC Nomination Committee 2014 as the representative of the Board to the Committee.


Resolution 201404.195

The Board approved the minutes of the last Board meetings held on 12 February 2014 as presented by the Secretariat.


Resolution 201404.196

The Board resolved to approve the Board revised Election Guidelines submitted by the staff to be used for 2014 Board Elections.


June 2014

Resolution 201406.197

The Board approved the minutes of the last Board meetings held on 16 April 2014 as presented by the Secretariat.


Resolution 201406.198

Whereas (i) The Board has taken a number of decisions in the past which are recorded in the minutes and Board mailing list (ii) There were no formal resolutions of the Board on these decisions Resolved To record key past decisions which were not supported by resolutions during the meetings of the Board; To adopt these decisions, where appropriate, as formal resolutions of the Board


Resolution 201401.199

Whereas • Ernst & Young has audited AFRINIC since inception • The Board recognises the best practice of auditor rotation • The Audit Committee went through a process of RFP, shortlist and selection of an External Auditor and made recommendations Resolved • To recommend for appointment KPMG as External Auditor to replace the Ernst & Young for AFRINIC’s financial audit.


Resolution 201401.200

Whereas (i) the Board discussed and approved the 2013 Audited Financial Report, (ii) the financial report has not been signed by the Company Secretary and the Auditor Resolved To publish the abridged report containing the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Account and replace the abridged report with the signed document when this is done by the Company Secretary and the Auditors.


August 2014

Resolution 201408.201

The Board at its meeting of 13 August 2014 appointed Badru Ntege and Sunday Folayan to serve respectively as Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board as per Article 19 of AFRINIC's Bylaws.


Resolution 201408.202

The Board resolved to appoint Messrs Andrew Alston, Krishna Seeburn and Christian Bope as Director of AFRINIC with the written approval of all the present Registered Directors.


Resolution 201408.203

The Board resolved to remove Messrs Janvier Ngnoulaye and Lala Andriamampianina, as Director of AFRINIC with the written approval of all the present Registered Directors and the written consent of Messrs Messrs Janvier Ngnoulaye and Lala Andriamampianina to this effect.


October 2014

Resolution 201410.204

The Board resolved to constitute the following Committees for the year 2014 / 2015 and to appoint Members as follows: Audit Committee, composed of Andrew Alston, Kris Seeburn, Paulos Nyirenda and John Walubengo Compensation Committee, composed of Adiel Akplogan, Aminata Garba, Christian Bope and Haitham El-Nakhal Finance Committee, composed of Adiel Akplogan, Badru Ntege, Mark Elkins and Sunday Folayan.


Resolution 201410.205

The Board resolved to constitute a CEO Search Committee to be constitutes of the following members: Messrs Badru Ntege, Sunday Folayan, Andrew Alston, Paulos Nyirenda and Hytham El-Nakhal.


Resolution 201410.206

Whereas the Board agreed on 24 January 2014 to suspend all Board Travel for the year 2014 except for AIS14 in Djibouti as a means to further manage the budget. Whereas AFRINIC Management has indicated that sponsorship has been more successful in 2014 thereby alleviating the budget problem, Whereas the Board has seen a sharp rise in 2014 on the number and gravity of issues needing additional Board deliberation and resolution in 2014 It is resolved that the whole Board will travel to the AFRINIC21 meeting in November and hold a face to face Board meeting during the AFRINIC21 meeting.


Resolution 201410.207

The Board approved the minutes of the last Board meeting held on 13 August 2014 as presented by the Secretariat.


Resolution 201410.208

Whereas the Board considers that the Policy Manual is a consolidated policy document Whereas the Board recognizes that due process was followed to arrive to the document The Board resolved to approve the Policy Manual as collated.


November 2014

Resolution 201411.210

The Board, having taken cognizance that Mr Badru Ntege has stepped down as Chairman of the AFRINIC Board, Unanimously RESOLVES

1. To appoint Mr Sunday Folayan as Chairman of the Board

2. To appoint Mr Badru Ntege as Vice Chair of the Board Effective as from Sunday 23 November 2014.


Resolution 201411.211

The Board RESOLVED ; Information discussed within the Board should not be disclosed to third parties without Board approval. Violation may lead to expulsion from the Board as provided by the Bylaws. However, information disclosed by the Board to third parties not under NDA to the Board is no longer confidential and is deemed to be in the public domain.


Resolution 201411.212

The Board voted and approved unanimously the Search Committee Charter and Recruitment Process.


Resolution 201411.213

The Board approved that Adiel Akplogan be appointed as Secretary of the CEO Search Committee.


Resolution 201411.214

The Board resolves that; The authority is hereby delegated to the CEO to use any available methods, at his discretion, to authenticate large resource allocation applications.


Resolution 201411.215

The Board approved the minutes of the Board meeting dated 3 November 2014 as presented by the Secretariat.


Resolution 201411.216

The Board resolved to appoint Alan P. Barrett and Mwenda Kivuva as members of the AFRINIC community and Ernest Byaruhanga as AFRINIC Staff to the Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal (CRISP) Team.


Resolution 201411.217

The Board resolved To adopt the report on the Capacity Building Plan examined on 25 November 2014 during its meeting and to implement it as from the 2015 financial year.


Resolution 201411.218

The Board resolved to adopt the Election Guidelines Review as proposed by Mark Elkins with minor changes. The Bylaws to be changed to put a Chair in the Election Committee and the Chair of the Election Committee to lead the election.


Resolution 201411.219

The Board resolved to adopt the final version of the Strategic Plan 2015 – 2019 as outcome of the process that involved the community, the staff and the Board. 


Resolution 201411.220

The Board resolved that AFRINIC will sponsor only the Chair of CoE to every meeting, but once the budget are satisfactory, the sponsorship may be increased and extended to other CoE member.


Resolution 201411.221

The Board resolved to approve the Charter of the Remuneration & Compensation Committee.


Resolution 201411.222

The Board requested the Remuneration and Compensation Committee to review the current staff Salary Increase Policy.


Resolution 201411.223

The Board resolved to adopt the 2015 Budget as presented by the Management.


December 2014

Resolution 201412.209

The Board resolved to approve the 2015 Budget as presented by Management.


Date Resolutions


January 2013

Resolution 201301.161

The Board has approved the 2013 Budget after reviewing the proposal submitted by Management.


February 2013

Resolution 201302.162

The Board approved the minutes of the Board meeting held in Sudan Khartoum on the 25 November 2012 and the minutes of the Budget Meeting held on the 15 January 2013, as presented by the Secretariat.

Resolution 201211.160

Ratified in Feb13 "The Board after reviewing all the comments provided by the Community and the final version submitted by the Review Working Group has adopted a new Bylaw to come into effect as from 1st January 2013. The Board would like to extend its appreciation to the BRWG and AFRINIC legal Counsel, Me Ashok Radhakisoon for their excellent job towards this fundamental change in AFRINIC structure. The Board also thanks the community for its support and contribution throughout the process."

Resolution 201302.163

The Board approved the Investment Policies and Guidelines as proposed and submitted by the Secretariat.

Resolution 201302.164

The Board resolved to remove Mr Viv Padayatchy as Director of AFRINIC with the written approval of all the present registered Directors and the written consent of Mr Viv Padayatchy to this effect.

Resolution 201302.165

The Board resolved to appoint Dr. Paulos Nyirenda,Messrs Lala Andriamampianina and Badru Ntege as Director of AFRINIC with the written approval of all the present Registered Directors.

Resolution 201302.166

The Board resolved to remove Messrs John Walubengo and Mark Elkins, as Director of AFRINIC with the written approval of all the present Registered Directors and the written consent of Messrs John Walubengo and Mark Elkins to this effect.


April 2013

Resolution 201304.167

The Board approved the minutes of the Board meeting held on the 13 February 2013 with amendments to the time Mark Elkins joined the meeting.

Resolution 201304.168

The Board resolved to adopt a New Delegation of Authority (002- 2013) in line with the new organisation structure by adding the COO as signatory of AFRINIC's bank account.

Resolution 201304.169

that the AFRINIC bank account signatory persons will be Adiel Ayodélé Akplogan (as Chief Executive Officer - CEO), Patrisse Déesse (as Director Finance and Accounting - DFA), Anne Rachel Inné (Chief Operation Officer - COO) as per the Delegation of Authority.

Resolution 201304.170

In the absence of two of the three appointed signatories above, and as per the Delegation of Authority Dr. Krishna Seeburn (as Board Representative in Mauritius) and Christian Fanchette (As Director Human Resource and Administration - DHRA) will also serve as alternate signatories.

Resolution 201304.171

that the above mentioned signatory persons be authorised to act in accordance with AFRINIC authorization policy described in the Delegation of Authority table with the following exceptions: • any transaction in excess of USD 100,000 (One Hundred Thousand), or equivalent in any other currency, must be approved by the Board.

Resolution 201304.172

that AFRINIC's bankers are furnished with copies of the relevant policies and RESOLUTIONs, including this RESOLUTION.

Resolution 201304.173

The Board in line with Section 16 of the Bylaw approves the creation of a Council of Elders comprising of previous Chairpersons of AFRINIC.

Resolution 201304.174

The Board resolved to appoint Messrs Viv Padayatchy, Pierre Dandjinou and Nii Quaynor to the Council of Elders of AFRINIC.

Resolution 201304.175

The Board resolved to appoint Messrs Douglas Onyango, Pierre Dandjinou, Tim McGuiness and Mark Elkins to the AFRINIC NomCom 2013.


May 2013

Resolution 201305.176

The Board approved the list of candidates for the AFRINIC Board election June 2013 as presented by the Nomination Committee. Proposed MJE. Seconded PN.



Resolution 201306.177

The Board approved the minutes of the Board meeting held on the 24 April and 28 May 2013 as presented by the Secretariat.


August 2013

Resolution 201308.178

The Board resolves to appoint Mr Badru Ntege as Chairman of the AFRINIC Board for a one year term ending on 30 June 2014. 

Resolution 201308.179

The Board resolves to appoint Mr Sunday Folayan as ViceChairman of AFRINIC Board for a one year term ending on 30 June 2014. 

Resolution 201308.180

The Board approved the minutes of the Board face to face meeting held on the 16 and 19 June 2013 as presented by the Secretariat with amendments to the name of Dr Paulos Nyirenda.

Resolution 201308.181

The Board resolved to appoint Mrs Maimouna Diop former member and Chair of the AFRINIC Board to the Council of Elders as per Art 16 of AFRINIC bylaws. Proposed by CEO and Seconded by BN and KS.


September 2013

Resolution 201309.182

In order to align AFRINIC's election procedures to its current bylaws, The Board resolved to remove candidates' right to vote during Board of Directors' Elections by virtue of being a candidate. The change shall take immediate effect and be properly reflected in updated Election Guidelines

Resolution 201309.183

The Board approves the minutes of the Board Meeting held on the 18 August 2013 as presented by the Secretariat.

Resolution 201309.184

The Board resolved to approve the 2012 Audit as presented by the appointed External Auditor Ernst & Young.


November 2013

Resolution 201311.185

After reviewing the report submitted by the Policy Working group co-chairs, the Board resolved to ratify the policy AFPUB-2012-DNS-001 [No Reverse Unless Assigned] and requests the staff to take all appropriate measures for its implementation within the 6 months timeframe as defined in AFRINIC Policy Development Process.

Resolution 201311.186

After reviewing the report submitted by the Policy Working Group co-chairs, the Board resolved to ratify the policy AFPUB-2013-V6- 001 [Removal of requirement to announce entire IPv6 block as a single aggregated space] and requests the staff to take all appropriate measures for its implementation within the 6 months timeframe as defined in AFRINIC Policy Development Process.

Resolution 201311.187

After reviewing the report submitted by the Policy Working Group co-chairs, the Board resolved to ratify the policy AFPUB-2012-V4-001 [Anycast Assignments in the AFRINIC region] and requests the staff to take all appropriate measures for its implementation within the 6 month timeframe as defined in AFRINIC Policy Development Process.

Resolution 201311.188

The Board approved the minutes of the last Board meeting held on 09 October 2013 with amendments.

Resolution 201311.189

The Board, Whereas the proposal establishing AFRINIC was by compromise with an Administrative center in Mauritius, Technical and Operational Center in South Africa, Disaster Recovery in Egypt and Training in Ghana; Whereas this plan was made notwithstanding the need for cost control and operational efficiency; Whereas the present exigencies do not follow the initial plans to the letter; Resolved to initiate the process to review the location and host of AFRINIC in a manner that reflects the need to control costs and assure operational efficiency.


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