
20 February 2020 - Please be informed that Friday, 20th February is Public Holiday Celebrating Maha Shivaratree

Cultural Note: Maha Shivaratree is a Hindu festival celebrated by devotees of Lord Shiva annually. This festival is celebrated with much devotion. It is also known as the 'Great Night Of Lord Shiva' and according to Gregorian calendar, falls in February. According to Hindu calendar, the festival is celebrated in the month of phaguna. The festival signifies the defeat of darkness and ignorance.


AFRINIC Offices shall be closed and will resume for business on Monday, 24 February 2020



Dear AFRINIC members and community,

I am pleased to announce that the Nomination Committee (NomCom) has elected Mark Elkins as NomCom Chair for the year 2020. I am sure we will all accord Mr. Elkins the necessary support he needs as he serves as chair of this important Committee.Please join me in congratulating Mark Elkins for the appointment.


Eddy Kayihura



Chers membres et communauté AFRINIC,

Je suis heureux d'annoncer que le comité de nomination (NomCom) a élu Mark Elkins à la présidence du NomCom pour l'année 2020. Je suis sûr que nous accorderons tous à M. Elkins le soutien nécessaire dont il a besoin en tant que président de cet important comité.Veuillez vous joindre à moi pour féliciter Mark Elkins pour sa nomination.


Eddy Kayihura





أعزائي الأعضاء والمجتمع

يسرني أن أعلن أن لجنة الترشيح (NomCom) قد انتخبت Mark Elkins رئيسًا للجنة الترشيح لعام 2020.

أنا متأكد من أننا جميعًا سنمنح السيد إلكينز الدعم اللازم الذي يحتاج إليه لأنه يشغل منصب رئيس هذه اللجنة المهمة.

يرجى المشاركة في تهنئة مارك الكينز على هذا الموعد.


مع تحياتي،

إدي كاييهورا
الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة AFRINIC


Caros membros da AFRINIC e da comunidade,

Tenho o prazer de anunciar que o Comitê de Nomeação (NomCom) elegeu Mark Elkins como presidente do NomCom para o ano de 2020.

Estou certo de que todos nós daremos ao Sr. Elkins o apoio necessário de que ele necessita para presidir este importante Comitê.

Por favor, junte-se a mim para felicitar Mark Elkins pela sua nomeação.



Eddy Kayihura