
AFRINIC is pleased to make the following announcements:

1. Two policies have been implemented, namely:

i) Policy Clarification on IPv6 Sub-Assignments v3 (

ii) SL Update (

2. The Consolidated Policy Manual v1.4 published on the AFRINIC website ( includes the two implemented policies

3. CPM 1.3 has been archived at


AFRINIC Communications

Africa now has only about 2 million IPv4 addresses. This is grossly inadequate to support the over 500 million Africans who are still not connected to the Internet. It is time for us to transition to IPv6.

We have so far trained more than 5,000 engineers from every country in Africa. To further support operators beyond training, we created and launched the world’s first Deployathon in 2018. (Click for more details about deployathons).

Last year, we helped engineers from 55 network operators to advance their IPv6 deployments during our highly rated deployathons in Johannesburg, Lagos, Nairobi and Blantyre (See detailed accomplishments at This would not have been possible without the support of local hosting partners.

We are again inviting organisations in the AFRINIC Community to partner with us to host an IPv6 Deployathon in 2020. Learn more and submit a hosting proposal at

We look forward to partnering with you to ensure you have the capacity to successfully advance IPv6 (and RPKI) deployment in your country.

The deadline for submitting proposals is 29 March 2020. For more information and queries about Deployathons, please contact: