
We are pleased to announce that registration for the AFRINIC-31 meeting to be held in Luanda, Angola, on 2-6 December 2019 is now open.

You can register online at:


Please note that citizens of some countries require visas to travel to Angola. We advise you to apply for a visa at your nearest Angolan Embassy at least eight (8) weeks in before travel. You should consult your travel agent for assistance if there is no Angolan embassy in your country.

Updates and News 

We will provide regular updates and latest news about AFRINIC-31 via our discussion lists, the AFRINIC-31 meeting website (, Facebook ( and Twitter ( We are using the hashtag #afrinic31 #policy #internet #tech #africa

We look forward to seeing you in Luanda!

AFRINIC Communications Team

Mr. Patrisse Deesse has officially taken over as the Interim Chief Executive Officer (ICEO) of AFRINIC.

Mr. Deesse took over the role as from 27 July 2019 following the departure of Mr Alan Barrett. Mr Deesse is AFRINIC’s Finance and Accounting Director and will serve as the Interim CEO until the CEO position is filled. His position is now held by the Chief Accountant Nirmal Manic in an acting capacity.

Patrisse Deesse 
Interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO)