
4 July 2018 - This is to inform you that the RIPE NCC will be making some changes to their Internet Routing Registry (IRR) which may affect AFRINIC resource holders effective September 2018. Exact timelines are yet to be determined and announced.

Prior to 2012, when the AFRINIC IRR was established, a large section of AFRINIC resource holders was using the RIPE NCC IRR to maintain their route objects. Even today, many AFRINIC members continue to use the RIPE NCC IRR.

2 July 2018 - Following the ASO review consultation and the presentation by the CEO at the AIS 2018 meeting in Dakar, AFRINIC’s representatives on the ASO AC/NRO NC have been asked to lead a community process to develop AFRINIC’s response to the ASO review.

The feedback on the ASO Review report outlined 18 recommendations which the NRO has resolved to accept. The first 17 recommendations are expected to be non-controversial and straightforward to implement by the NRO Secretariat, or the ASO Address Council (ASO AC).

The 18th recommendation and the reason for this process, is that “The NRO should initiate a public consultation, involving the five RIR communities, to determine the future structure of the ASO.”

We invite you all to discuss and comment in the community-discuss mailing list.  We hope to provide a report by the end of July 2018 or mid-August at the latest.

Thank you.

Fiona Asonga, Noah Maina and Omo Oaiya


Various announcements, presentations, calls for comments, etc.:

The ASO Review report:

Questions posed by the NRO EC:

CEO presentation at the AIS 2018 meeting: