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deployathon malawi blantyre 2019 6

Participants at our deployathon session held in Malawi last year.

Are you interested in hosting an IPv6 deployathon? We are seeking potential partners who are willing to host our IPv6 deployathons. These are four-day face-to-face workshops conducted by our well-established trainers. They provide hands-on knowledge on deploying IPv6 on networks.

One day in April 2006, I was informed by Rwandatel CTO that I would attend an AFRINIC meeting in Nairobi as our company had received a fellowship from them. This intrigued me because I did not understand why our IP provider was willing to sponsor a trip for a member for no apparent reason.

Not only did I not find any catch but I discovered a community that I had no clue existed. I heard of IPv6 for the first time and later registered for a course which happened at AFRINIC 9 in Balaclava, Mauritius. This connection together with the AfNog one helped me grow quickly in the networking field.

Maxim Nyasa IT Solutions received a prize for its winning project for the 2019 FIRE Awards during last year's Internet Governance Forum (IGF 2019) in Berlin, Germany.

The project Introducing a scalable proof of concept for digital skills training in African schools creates career perspective for young Africans with information technology. Stanley Kwakye Dankyira  (Director and co-founder), Diana Van Der Stelt (Secretary and co-ounder) and Andrew Nana Davidson (Operations manager) were present in Berlin to collect a trophy and the prize money of USD3,000. The awards ceremony was held at the Estrel Congress Centre in Berlin on 27 November 2019.


AFRINIC-31 took place in Luanda, Angola, from 2 - 6 December 2019. Over 230 people from 38 countries took part in training sessions, workshops, tutorials, parallel meetings, policy development discussions, plenary sessions, elections and networking events. The meeting was organised by AFRINIC and hosted by the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology of Angola (MTTI) in collaboration with Angolan Internet Service Providers Association (AAPSI). The organisers would like to extend their heartfelt thanks to the sponsors, partners and donors and the attendees, whose continued dedication and support ensure that AFRINIC meetings remain some of Africa's must-go-to ICT events. 

The AFRINIC-31 agenda can be found here. Click on the Info section to see all the presentation slides and session recordings from 3-6 December.

Meeting photos can be found here.

Detailed Daily Recaps of each day's events can be found here.

We look forward to seeing you all in Kinshasa, DR Congo, during the AIS'20, from 31 May - 12 June 2020. 


Les Interruptions de routage ou attaques (détournements, fuites et usurpation) surviennent chaque jour sur Internet et conduisent à une série de problèmes. Ces derniers peuvent être soit des données volées, une perte de revenue, des dommages opérationnels et bien plus.

Ces incidents sont à considérer à une échelle globale car les soucis de routage qui se manifeste d’abord chez un gestionnaire réseau peuvent avoir des répercussions chez des autres.

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