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Extension of application deadline for the Chief Operation Officer position

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Due to the prevailing pandemic, AFRINIC hereby informs all interested applicants that the deadline for the application for the Chief Operation Officer position has now been extended to 28 February 2021 inclusive. Candidates who submitted applications before the first deadline of 28 December 2020 need not re-apply as their applications will also be considered after the extended deadline.

Those who have missed the previous deadline and who would want to be considered for the position are invited to submit their applications by sending their motivation letter and CV, both in English, by email to, or to the following address:


Human Resources & Administration Manager
11th Floor, Standard Chartered Tower,
Ebène Cybercity, Ebène


Final interviews of shortlisted candidates will be held at AFRINIC office in Ebène, Mauritius, when possible, otherwise, interviews will be conducted remotely. The shortlist selection will be based on the dossiers of applicants as well as telephone/remote interviews of candidates with the desired profile.

AFRINIC reserves the right to call only the best-qualified candidates for an interview and not to make any appointment following this advertisement. Applicants who are not contacted for an interview within 30 days after the closing date should consider their applications unsuccessful.


More details about the position can be found here




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