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Event Wrap: AFRINIC-34 Online

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Event Wrap: AFRINIC-34 Online

Event Wrap: AFRINIC-34 Online



af34 wrapThe AFRINIC-34 Online Meeting took place online, from 14-18 November 2021.

226 delegates from 48 countries took part in policy development discussions and plenary sessions. The meeting was organised by AFRINIC on the Meetecho platform.

AFRINIC would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to the sponsors: Meta, Team Cymru, DNS Africa, Dot Africa and Emtel Business.

Thank you to all the delegates who attended some 26 sessions which were conducted by 43 experts in the ICT field.

The AFRINIC-34 agenda can be found here (click on the individual session to see all the presentation slides and video recordings from 15-18 November 2021.

The detailed statistics of the conference can be found here.

In case you missed these sessions you may view the detailed Daily Recaps of each day's events can be found here.

The video recording for the Day is published at:


The Meeting Platform

For the AFRINIC-34 Online meeting, we have again used the Meetecho platform. Further enhancements were requested for the AFRINIC-34 Online meeting to enhance delegates’ user experience. Meetecho is an online platform that is entirely web-based and does not require software installation.

The platform was accessible from anywhere in the world without restrictions. The platform also offers the integration of a timer, one to one chats, a list of participants visible to all the attendees, speakers ’ slides uploaded on the platform, announcements feature, polling, technical and live streaming support. These features were crucial in determining and choosing the Meetecho platform.


General Improvements from AIS’21

We were pleased to introduce interpretation services for an additional language, namely Arabic for AFRINIC-34 Online.

General improvements were also noted on the audio steaming and translation channels where delegates and speakers joined and listened seamlessly and no major technical issues were recorded.


Thank you for your time and interest in AFRINIC-34 Online.


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