6 June 2018 - The AFRINIC Board hereby calls for expressions of interest from persons who wish to be considered for appointments to fill casual vacancies in the Board, in terms of article 13.14 of the AFRINIC Bylaws. Any appointments to these vacant seats will be for a period until the next regularly scheduled AFRINIC AGMM, in June 2019.
There are currently four casual vacancies in the AFRINIC Board:
• Northern Africa (seat 1)
• Western Africa (seat 2)
• Southern Africa (seat 5)
• Eastern Africa (seat 6)
If you would like to be considered for one of these vacant seats, please complete the form at <https://registration.afrinic.net/elections/board-express-of-interest-201805>, no later than 23:59 UTC on 17 June 2018.
Anyone who expresses interest shall:
• Have at least five (5) years professional experience in an area relevant to AFRINIC activities, such as Internet Resource Management, ICT, policy development, finance, audit or HR management;
• Be available and committed to participate in Board meetings and other AFRINIC activities (face-to-face and online).
The following requirements from Article 13.10 of the AFRINIC bylaws will be strictly observed:
13.10. No person shall be appointed or hold office as a Director if he is a person who:
(i) is under 18 years of age;
(ii) is an undischarged bankrupt;
(iii) would, but for the repeal of Section 117 of the Companies Act 1984 of Mauritius, be prohibited from being a Director or promoter of, or being concerned or taking part in the management of, a company within the meaning of that Act;
(iv) is prohibited from being a director or promoter of or being concerned or taking part in the management of a company under Sections 337 or 338 of the Act;
(v) is not a natural person; or
(vi) has been adjudged to have been of unsound mind.
The Board further intends to apply the guidelines from Article 13.12 of the AFRINIC Bylaws, to the extent that they consider appropriate:
13.12 [...] the following additional conditions for the eligibility of candidates to the position of Board Directors:
(i) previous Board or organisational leadership experience;
(ii) skills in business management and leadership;
(iii) fundraising for not-for-profit organisations experience;
(iv) network operations and Internet services experience; and
(v) international Business development experience.
Best Regards,
Christian D. Bope, Ph.D
Chairman, AfriNIC Board
Reminder: Call for expressions of interest for Board appointments