Info! Please note that this translation has been provided at best effort, for your convenience. The English page remains the official version.

Does the organisation you represent have a signed RSA with AFRINIC?

The Registration Service Agreement (RSA) is the contract that legally binds a member with AFRINIC. The agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation towards the set of specified terms and conditions of service.

All AFRINIC members should have a signed Registration Service Agreement on our internal records in order receive support for services and resources request. Internal Records at the moment refers to the members’ file which is accessible to AFRINIC staff only. Some organisations may not have a signed RSA on file as per a recent audit exercise and they have already been contacted by AFRINIC Customer Services to remedy the situation.

After receiving your request, the Hostmaster team shall check the records for a signed RSA on your account. If you already have a signed RSA the request shall be processed, else you shall receive a notification for non-compliance to the Contractual Obligations Check and details on how to remedy to this situation shall be communicated.

In case of doubt and/or to be proactive in your approach, you can request for a confirmation from AFRINIC staff of whether your organisation already has a signed RSA well in place on our records.

You can contact the AFRINIC CS team on for appropriate action.

on Monday August 12 by duksh
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